Trinity High School Summer Hours are as follows:
9 AM to Noon, Monday
through Friday
Please remember the tuition payment deadline for the upcoming school year is June 30. Tuition payments should be mailed to school using the envelope provided in your reminder notice that was mailed June 1. If that is not available, please mail to:
Trinity High School
ATTN: Business Office
12425 Granger Road
Garfield Heights, OH 44125
If you prefer, you may also make a credit card payment over the phone by calling Ms. Sandy Fritsch, 216-581-5751, during the summer office hours listed.
Other Reminders
For the upcoming school year, New Student Orientation will take place on Monday, August 19; the first day of school is Tuesday, August 20. Most information regarding the upcoming school year will be communicated through email this summer and posted on our social media sites including our website at www.ths.org.
If you do not receive school text messages, please register your cell phone by texting YES to our SchoolMessenger short code, 67587. Your cell phone number must also be provided in your PowerSchool account (parents and students) to be eligible to receive text messages.
Questions regarding your PowerSchool account may be directed to Ms. Dawn Downey, [email protected].
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and safe summer!