May 1, 2020
Dear Parent/Guardian:
During these unprecedented times, our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of you. We, as the Trinity Community, thank you for your continued cooperation and pledge our continued support. As we move into our final weeks, we would like to share some adjustments for the conclusion of the 2019–2020 school year.
- Online classroom instruction will end on Friday, May 22.
- During the week of May 25 – May 29, teachers will be reviewing and grading all remaining assignments. Makeup work will be accepted through May 29. No final exams will be given. Final grades will be calculated on a 60/40 scale. Whichever grade is higher, Halfterm 3 or Halfterm 4, will receive a 60% weight and the lower grade will be calculated at 40% towards the Term 2 final grade.
- Time slots will be scheduled for June 2 (Juniors), 3 (Sophomores), and 4 (Freshmen) for students to come to the building to clean out their lockers and hand in any textbooks they may have. A schedule of times will be given at a later date.
Let's finish strong!
Sister Shawn Lee, President
Linda Bacho, Principal
[email protected]
William Svoboda, Assistant Principal
[email protected]