Sr. Catherine Britton Stories
Throughout the years, we have heard so many hilarious, inspirational, and interesting stories about our Founding President, Sr. Catherine Britton. Now we want to hear yours! Please fill out this short form and submit your memories of Sr. Catherine.
Your stories will be shared below as we celebrate Sr. Catherine turning 90 this year! You can also donate to the Sr. Catherine Britton Legacy Fund and assist future generations of Trinity High School students here.
Sister Catherine was always very proud of the band. Many people said we would've had a band even if we didn't have a football team and that they would perform at other school's games. They always put on a great show in sound and marching skill. One of my clearest memories of Sr. Catherine revolved around her will to pump up school spirit the week of the game vs. Chanel. Sr. Catherine got on the PA and guaranteed victory against our rival.
-Greg Grys '80
My memory of Sr Catherine will always be her holding up the 1994 State Championship trophy down in Columbus. There was no bigger supporter of our Girls Basketball team than Sister Catherine. We were her girls and we were proud to represent her and Trinity High School when we played. When we won the D1 94 Championship, Sister came down when they did the trophy presentation and they handed her the trophy!!!!! That was one of my most memorable times at Trinity and Sister made such an impact on our program. Not only was she our number one fan in the stands, but she always checked up on us in the classroom and made sure we were in line and making the grade. Sister retired the year I graduated…..she made a heck of an impact on all of us!!! Happy 90th Birthday Sister!!!
-Chrissy Falcone-Konopka '96

Back in the early 19S0's St. Monica opened a grade school. My parent's transferred me and my sister to it. I was privileged to have a teacher named Sister Harriet. She helped me learn long division and comforted me when my father cut my hair real short-because only because knew how to cut men's hair. She was also the only nun who could jump rope with us during recess. Much to the astonishment of the other nun's. Many years later when Marymount went co-ed and became Trinity high school I enrolled my oldest son there. Upon registration, I walked in only to find Sister Harriet there-now she was Sister Catherine. Then in 1989 I became the president of the Parent Club-a very active group of parent's. We always were looking for a way to help the school financially. My greatest moment was when we had a fund-raiser-and I was able to hand Sister Catherine a check for $20,000.00. I was so pleased to see the look on her face. Even though I didn't know how many zero's were needed to be on the check. Many year's later our A/R Sociality was able to hold our Lenten service at the convent. Much to my surprise, Sister Catherine came and spoke to us. I wish Sister Catherine AKA Sister Harriet my heartfelt thanks for all she has meant to me.
-Sincerely, Susan Sikon (nee Feckanin)
When busing was cut my sophomore year, Sr. Catherine drove a handful of us home to Solon every day after school. We had to wait for her to finish up her principal duties, but then she drove each of us to our houses. She would often ask our opinions about stuff going on at school or in the world. We really got to see Sr. Catherine in a different light and I will never forget how much she valued our opinions. I even named my first daughter Katherine. In 2012, I wrote a column about all of the nuns in my life. I included Sr. Catherine and those long ago drives home after school. Here is the column. Happy 90th Birthday Sister Catherine!
-Stephanie (Slanina) Fellenstein '89