Parents, please let the school health aide know if there are any medical conditions that affect your child. It is very important to keep all health information up-to-date so we can provide your child with proper care during school hours. This information should be submitted in writing to the health aide before the first day of school.
A special form must be completed by you and your doctor before any medication can be administered during school hours. This form can be obtained by contacting the health aide at 216-581-5771, visiting the Business Office, or by clicking here to download a PDF copy. This completed form must be given to the health aide along with the medication in its original container.
All incoming freshmen and all students new to Trinity must have a complete health history on file in the school clinic before the first day of school. This health history includes a complete immunization record as required by the Ohio Department of Health. A current physical completed after January 1 is highly recommended for the safety and well-being of your child. Sports physicals are accepted. If a sports physical is used, please submit a copy to the health aide and the original to the Athletic Director.