Thank you for your interest in Trinity High School! We're glad to know you've decided to take the next steps in submitting your application for admission to Trinity.
Eighth grade students applying from CATHOLIC SCHOOLS must:
- Shadow at Trinity (September-December).
- Take a Placement Exam (November-December).
- Complete the Diocese of Cleveland High School Application and list Trinity High School as your first choice! This application will be provided to you by your grade school. (January).
Eighth grade students applying from PUBLIC OR NON-CATHOLIC SCHOOLS must:
- Shadow at Trinity
- Take a Placement Exam
- Complete the Trinity High School Application which will be an online portal and will be released in December.
- All requested materials will be part of the online platform and you will need emails for teachers you are wishing to complete the recommendation forms and for a request of records. Parents/Students are not to upload materials. Records need to be uploaded from a school official and recommendation forms need to be completed by teachers, principals or a school counselor.
High school students seeking TRANSFER ADMISSION to Trinity must:
- Complete the Trinity High School Application which will be an online portal and will be released in December.
- All requested materials will be part of the online platform and you will need emails for teachers you are wishing to complete the recommendation forms and for a request of records. Records need to be uploaded from a school official and recommendation forms need to be completed by teachers, principals or a school counselor.
- Shadow at Trinity:
- Take Trinity High School's Placement Exam:
Trinity High School Application
This link will take you to an account set up page for our online application. Once you create your account you will be able to start completing the application. Again, please have names and email addresses for those who will be completing the recommendation forms and the records upload. The family cannot do these!
Click Here for Trinity's Application Portal Access!