National School Lunch Program Debuts for 2021-22 School Year
Every Student to Receive Free Lunch
Trinity High School is excited to announce that the school applied and was accepted into the National School Lunch Program.
For the 2021-22 school year, every Trinity student will be eligible for free lunch under the NSLP. Beginning in the 2022-23 school campaign, the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines will be used to determine eligibility. Children from families whose annual income is at or below the federal guidelines are eligible for the National School Lunch Program, which provides free and reduced-price meals or free milk if the school participates in the Special Milk Program.
Prior to the 2022-23 school year, application forms will be distributed to all homes in a letter to parents or guardians. To apply for free and reduced-price benefits, households should complete an application and return it to the school. Additional copies are available at the principal’s office in each school. A complete application is required. Households which currently receive Special Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits (SNAP, formally known as food stamps) or Ohio Works First (OWF) funds for a child must provide the child’s name, the SNAP or OWF case number and signature of an adult household member on the application. Households that do not receive SNAP or OWF funds must provide the names of all household members, the last four digits of the Social Security Number of the adult signing the application or state “none” if the adult does not have a Social Security Number, the amount and source of income received by each household member, (state the monthly income) and the signature of an adult household member. If any of this information is missing, the school cannot process the application.