On Monday April 20, Ohio Governor Michael DeWine announced schools will stay closed and distance learning will continue for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.
This decision will require Trinity's administrative team to establish a plan of action for many of the educational and social events that have been scheduled through June. This includes many activities centered around our Senior Class.
Your patience is appreciated as we carefully take the time to review and discuss our options, while keeping in mind the safety and well-being of our students and their families, teachers, administrators, and support staff. As those decisions are made, we will keep you informed by means of email, text, and posts on our school website and social media platforms.
As for now, students are expected to keep up with online learning through our new Google Classrooms and checking in with teachers following the ‘bell schedule’ announced this past Friday. Please make sure you are contacting teachers with any questions you have regarding your assignments.
In addition to making decisions about the remainder of this school year, we are also busy planning and budgeting for next school year. In order to do so, we again ask parents to make sure the following registration items have been returned to Trinity:
• Tuition Worksheet: Make sure all areas in yellow are completed and your payment method is indicated. If selecting one of the tuition loan options with Unity Catholic Federal Credit Union, please remember to complete their online loan application (and membership application, if applicable) soon. Our loan program ENDS May 8.
• Course Selection Worksheet: Make sure ALL course selections are circled on the first page. Do not separate the two stapled sheets.
• $100 registration fee
We ask for these items to be mailed back to school: Trinity High School, 12425 Granger Road, Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125. Please do NOT come to Trinity to return these items. Our building is closed. We do not have a drop box for such items. If you prefer, Ms. Sandy Fritsch will be available each Wednesday from 9 AM to 2 PM to take a credit card payment over the phone. She may be reached at 216-581-5751.
Within the next week or two, we will contact you if we are missing any of these registration materials, which are required before a class schedule will be created for your child.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the school administrators listed below. May God continue to be a presence in this crisis, but more importantly, in each and every person as we seek strength to overcome this unprecedented time.
Peace to all our families,
Sister Shawn Lee, President
Linda Bacho, Principal
[email protected]
William Svoboda, Assistant Principal
[email protected]